
Doom Eager: Heavy Duty Black

Karma Clarke Davis

2001, 50:00 minutes, colour/B&W, English


Doom Eager was made as as a commission for Substitute City curated by Philip Monk at the Power Plant. Substitute City challenged Toronto artists to reflect on and react to the current state of Toronto: artistically, spatially,politically, emotionally, and psychically.

To that end,
Doom Eager is a personal chastisement and love letter to Toronto. Epic in length, both lyrical and aggressive, Doom Eager reflects the artist's ambivalence about the "promised land" that she and her family immigrated to in the 70's. Combining passages from Passolini with personal ironic observations and cynical political platitudes, Doom Eager is an odyssey into the dark heart of the metropolis that is Toronto. Set to a heavy metal soundtrack - a Black Sabbath bootleg concert tape from 1971 in Toronto-plays on the headbanger aesthetic - the Devil personifying a range of characters from rockstar/politician to streetperson/immigrant.
Using the roving critical documentary style of cinema verite, moving from location to location, the Devil enacts the voyeuristic/philosophical path of the Flanneur. Arriving at each new location, the Devil - either as instigator or victim - reflects on the rising of the Right in Toronto and it's attendant Faschist attitudes.

Part rock video part experimental film/movinging picture installation
Doom Eager questions the negation of the rights of the dispossed individual in a city that strives to be international and offers a vision of the apocalypse that could be the end result when power takes precedence over humanity.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Unravelling The Grid/"Substitute City" at the Power Plant
by Andy Fabo. C Magazine, Summer 2001, no. 70.
Is Toronto burning?: The megacity's raw urban reality
by John Sewell. EYE WEEKLY, Apr. 12, 2001, v. 10, no. 27.