Show me on the Map (Episode 1 + 2)
2010, 55:00 minutes, colour, English and Inuktitut with English subtitles
TAPECODE 2024.09
Our world is about to change forever. Canada is living in an era of mining industry development that is unprecedented in our history. A lot of this development is taking place on Aboriginal lands. Show me on the Map lets Aboriginal citizens voice their concerns and expose their points of view.
Episode 1: A Changing World (35 min.)
On Baffin Island, approximately 300 kilometres north of the village of Igloolik, Baffinland Iron Mines Corp. is getting ready to mine one of the largest and purest iron deposit on the planet: two mountains of ore will be cut down at Mary River. Some residents of Igloolik react to this development: they worry that this industrial development will destroy their environment and the marine mammals as well as their culture and hunting life style.
Episode 2: People Can Stand Up (20 min.)
In 2010, Inuit organizations of Nunavut have recently opened the way to uranium mining. Some Nunavut residents want to voice their concerns and created a grassroots organization to ask for a public inquiry; should Nunavut open the way to nuclear energy or not? Interview with Aju Peter.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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