Neapolitan Sixth: walk around the rock
2013, 06:15 minutes, colour, English
TAPECODE 2047.05
“A tendency to go inwards.”
This piece brings perception and movement into orbit by traversing types of musical cadences and a public garden. Pianist Larissa Kiyashko describes expectation through musical textures attributed to European nation-states while the viewer is asked to look closely at a large rock and consider how one might arrive at a resolution.
"We sit inside the coach, the coach inside the train, the train in the dark, inside the tunnel, speeding under the channel, and in the book on my lap, I read that our feet leave no trace on pavement, we skim the surface of a world that is mapped for occupation, wearing shoes, walking on and not through.
The next morning, I left before rush hour and walked across the river in the general direction of the Eiffel tower. There was a garden. I paused and decided to walked through. When I first saw the rock, I had to stop because it was unexpectedly unlike other rocks. When you first hear a neapolitan sixth, you have to stop because it is unexpectedly unlike other harmonies."
Rental and Sales
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $560.00 |
Single Screening Rental | $140.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
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