
The light is part of the offering

Serena Lee

2021, 06:40 minutes, Colour, English, Cantonese/Chinese

TAPECODE 2047.13

Originally produced as part of a site-specific installation: It wasn't the fire created for a storage locker as part of Holding Patterns, a group exhibition curated by Art Spin in 2018.

This video was installed on a flatscreen monitor in a plastic pillow bag (see photo) amidst other objects from my late grandfather's house. Here is the text accompanying the installation project, from Autumn 2018:

"My grandfather died this Spring. Despite the fact that he left us nothing, we spent hours cleaning out his ‘estate’ – this installation is comprised of a selection of his things.

"They bought the house in 1967 in what they now call 'East Chinatown'; he barely left it towards the end.
I always thought he'd go by burning the house down: he'd fall asleep with a lit cigarette and the TV blaring. When he first immigrated and was living in Sudbury, his neighbour--a widow with three children--snapped one day and lit their shared house on fire; he lost the few things he had.
His story is not unlike others; like others, leaves a light mark. In
Ban en Banlieue (2015) Bhanu Kapil writes:
'As the text of a present moves so rapidly it cannot be written. This is why immigrants don't write many novels, only emigrants do. I write to you at night, for example, when even my body is hidden from view.’"

Available as a single-channel projection and as an installation.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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