
Sylvie Boisseau

Sylvie Boisseau (1970) and Frank Westermeyer (1971) have been working together since 1996. They realized numerous video works as well as interventions in public space. They live and work in Düsseldorf, Germany and Geneva, CH.

Their videos have been shown internationally on film and media art festivals like Exis, Seoul; Int Film festival Oberhausen; transmediale, Berlin; Rotterdam Int Film festival; Filmwoche Duisburg; Kassel, Int Film festival Munich, International Short film festival Hamburg; rencontre Paris-Berlin, Videonale Bonn; Cinematexas, Austin Texas; Red Bank Film festival, New Jersey, USA; Biennial of Moving Images, Geneva and many others. They have realized several interventions in public space, in Weimar and Berlin (Germany) as well as in Geneva, Switzerland.

Artist Code: 444


Der Freie Mensch – mit KI (The Free Man – with AI)

2019, 07:30 minutes, colour, German with English, French Subtitles

Neue Brüder

2010, 130:00 minutes, colour, Spanish, German, French, English, Mapudungùn with English and Spanish Subtitles

Chinese is a plus

2008, 40:00 minutes, colour, Mandarin

The Optionist

2004, 04:30 minutes



The Free Man

2001, 04:00 minutes

Moi vu par….

1999, 19:00 minutes

My Family and I

1997, 16:00 minutes

Critical Writing

Chinese is a Plus
by Sylvie Boisseau and Frank Westermeyer. Kowloon: 1a space, 2009.