
Madeline Piujuq Ivalu

Madeline Piujuq Ivalu has been a key elder participant in all Arnait Video projects since its inception. With Marie-Hélène Cousineau, she co-directed Arnait’s award-winning feature film Before Tomorrow. She was a cultural advisor and interviewer for the Arnait productions Women/Health/Body and Itivimut, as well as a storyteller, musician, actor and writer for Qulliq, Ataguttaluk Starvation, Piujuq and Angutautuq and Unikausiq. She presented the videos of the Arnait Video Collective at the 1996 Qaigit Symposium in Ottawa. She represents Igloolik women at Pauktuutit, the pan-Canadian Inuit women’s organization.



2013, 86:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut and English with English or French subtitles, also available Closed Captioned

Before Tomorrow

2008, 92:47 minutes, colour, Inuktitut, w/ English subtitles available

Critical Writing

Inuit TakugatsaliuKatiget / On Inuit Cinema
by Mark Turner. St. John's: Memorial University Press, 2022.