

Arnait Video Productions, Madeline Piujuq Ivalu and Marie-Hélène Cousineau

2013, 86:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut and English with English or French subtitles, also available Closed Captioned

TAPECODE 2024.14

Uvanga (Myself) is the second feature film from the Arnait Video Collective, the same team that won Best Canadian First Feature Film at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival. Directed by Marie-Hélène Cousineau and Madeline Piujuq Ivalu, the film was shot entirely on location in Nunavut.

Anna is nervous when she and her son, Tomas, arrive in the small, close-knit community of Igloolik in the Canadian Arctic.

Anna had a short-lived affair with Tomas’s Inuk father when she worked in Igloolik. But Tomas, now 14 years old, was born and raised in his mother’s native city of Montreal and never knew much about his origins.

Tomas is bright, strong, and curious about his father’s culture, but his father is no longer around to show him the way. For Tomas’s mother and Inuit family, the joy of his homecoming is mixed with memories of a brief and painful chapter in their shared history. Over the course of two weeks that seem to blend into one long day under the midnight sun, Anna and Thomas strive to reconnect with the family they can no longer ignore.

Rental and Sales

Community Non-Profit Organization DVD


High School Purchase DVD


Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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