Darien Taylor
Darien Taylor has been living with HIV for 20 years and has worked in HIV/AIDS throughout that time at the local, regional and national levels. She co-chaired the treatment activist organization AIDS Action Now!, co-founded Voices of Positive Women, the Ontario organization for women living with HIV/AIDS and was one of the editors of Positive Women: Voices of Women Living With AIDS.
She has worked with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and the federal government’s AIDS Community Action Program. Currently, Darien works as the Director of Program Delivery at the Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange and is a member of the OHTN Cohort Study Governance Committee.
1992, 27:30 minutes, colour, English
Critical Writing
Art's Birthday Video Screening: Trinity Square Video, Toronto, Ontario
by . Parallelogramme, 1993, v. 18, no. 4.
by . Parallelogramme, 1993, v. 18, no. 4.