
Linda Duvall

Linda Duvall is a visual and media artist who works and presents within gallery contexts, on the web, and within defined public communities. Linda Duvall’s projects focus on how individual identities are formed and revealed within a societal context. Her work often mimics the fieldwork of sociologists as she collects oral histories and records ordinary conversations in order to discern meanings hidden in mundane and familiar language. Her work consistently addresses public knowledge and presentation posited in contrast to the more intimate and possibly private material that is initially hidden.

Duvall's projects address the subjective constructed nature of narratives. She starts by setting up conditions or a framework and then lets the process unfold. She puts strangers together in a situation for interaction. This interaction with its surprises and tensions, rather than any final resolution, is her primary point of focus. She looks for ways to engage audiences in this interaction.

Artist Code: 1029


She Can’t Begin

2007, 14:52 minutes, colour, Silent with English Text

Critical Writing

Paperwait vol. 7. Contemporary Art Writing
by Doug Lewis et al. Winnipeg: aceartinc, 2005.
Photo Sampler Immature
by John Bentley Mays. The Globe and Mail, Sept. 17, 1982.
New Canadian Photography
by Jeanne Randolph. Parachute, Winter 1982, no. 29.