nichola feldman-kiss
nichola feldman-kiss is an artist researching corporeality, identity and autobiography. feldman-kiss implicates self reflexive narratives in her performative exploration of body, gaze, subjectivity, sociality and consciousness. Her multi-disciplinary installations, videos, performances, and objects are characterized by pristine and minimal elegance —subtly and subversively disturbing that which we take for granted, asking us to reconsider basic questions about being individual, collective and embodied. feldman-kiss's practice has been supported by research residencies with the National Research Council of Canada, the Ottawa Eye Institute (Ottawa Hospital), the palliative care Hospice at Maycourt, the Canadian Forces and the United Nations.
nichola feldman-kiss has presented her work and ideas nationally and internationally at the Centro Fotographico Alverez Bravo (Oaxaca, MX), the Dutch Electronic Art Festival (Rotterdam), the Museo Fotographia Contemporanea (Milan, IT), ISIS Arts, Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK); Bains numérique, Centre des arts Enghiens les Bains, Île-de-France (FR). Illustrated analyses of her work are featured in PREFIX PHOTO and NYArts and Gorilla Magazine. A tri-citizen of Canada, Germany and Jamaica, feldman-kiss is a native of Ottawa residing in Toronto. The artist completed her MFA studies at California Institute for the Arts. Recipient of the 2009 Corel Endowment Fund for the Arts Award, her artworks can be found in the permanent collections of the National Archives of Canada, the city of Ottawa and the Ottawa Art Gallery as well as private collections in Canada, the US, Mexico and Europe.
feldman-kiss has consulted on policy in the technological arts and art / science since 2001. Among other accomplishments, in her former capacity as Program Officer for New Media and Audio at the Canada Council for the Arts, are the innovative bi-council art science collaboration fund with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council the National Round Table on New Media Art Research. As an independent artist, feldman-kiss has contributed to numerous peer funding and consultative committees including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada Council for the Arts, Hexagram, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Canadian Heritage, CANARIE, Ontario Arts Council and the City of Ottawa.
Artist Code: 1037
Sisters, 2 channel installation
2014, 09:40 minutes, colour, No Dialogue
from after Africa \ a yard of ashes
2012, 11:48 minutes, colour
2009, 48:00 minutes, colour
2005, 96:00 minutes, colour
2002, 28:00 minutes, colour, no dialogue