Natalka Pucan
Natalka Pucan is a proud member of the Anishinabek Nation and registered member of Saugeen First Nation. Throughout her career she has worked with children and youth in a variety of capacities. Currently, she works as an Ojibway language instructor in a public school setting. Her work has focused on teaching children and youth about their culture and heritage. An avid beader, sewer and dancer, Natalka uses cultural knowledge and heritage as a catalyst and guide when developing her art. A new and emerging artist in the film field, Natalka Pucan tells stories of her people and nationhood. Natalka is beginning to develop stories through the film lens. Learning in the field to bring stories to life thru song and picture. Film making is another avenue for Natalka to express and share cultural stories and tales.
Artist Code: 2120
2019, 03:00 minutes, B&W, English
2018, 05:30 minutes, B&W, English