Liz Obomsawin
Liz Obomsawin is a member of the Abenaki First Nations and the Oneida (Iroquois) Indian Nation. She holds her Masterís Degree in Television-radio-film from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. Liz served as a Researcher/Consultant for the documentary Dancing on Mother Earth, produced and directed the educational video, Voices of the Oneida People, wrote, produced and directed the short, Ciaraís Dream, and is currently an Associate Producer on the Independent feature film, The Reawakening. Lizís aspiration is to write and direct feature films on the history of North Americaís First Nations people.
Artist Code: 593
2002, 03:56 minutes, colour, English
2001, 15:30 minutes, colour, English