
True Inversions

Lorna Boschman

1992, 24:00 minutes, colour


True Inversions creates its own dialectic on lesbian erotica while focusing on the differences between passions performed on and off camera, legal, social and personal forms of censorship, the motion of emotion and the eroticization of safe sex.

"More than any other work, this tape takes on those tricky questions of responsibility for images and avoids a simple division between anti-porn and anti-censorship feminists"
- Cameron Bailey NOW, Toronto Nov. 5-11 /1992

Une "partouze" lesbienne provocante ... qui frappe sous la ceinture, puis arrête timidement le jeu pour révéler le réel et s'interroger sur les multiples niveaux des fantasmes dans la représentation de la sexualité lesbienne.
La censure est appliquée ici de façon unique comme coït interrompu, le comble de l'auto-réflectivité.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Ruling Out Art: Media Art Meets Law in Ontario's Censor Wars
by Taryn Sirove. Vacouver: UBC Press, 2019.
The (fetishistic) cut
by Jean-Paul Kelly. "(Mary, Mary) Are these the hands that cut?", 2006. Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2006.
Notes on Glad Day
by Sholem Krishtalka. "(Mary, Mary) Are these the hands that cut?", 2006. Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2006.
Kiss & Tell continues the lesbian sex debates
by Karen X Tulinchsky. Xtra! West, Apr. 22, 1994.
Images 93 an exercise in temptation
by Cameron Bailey. NOW, Apr. 22, 1993, v. 12, no. 34.
Flesh Thefts:: Poaching in Popular Culture
by Lisa Robertson. Parallelogramme, 1993, v. 18, no. 4.
True art inverted
by Heather Reiger. 29 Angles, May 1992.
Persimmon Blackbridge
by Diane Lees. research paper, 1992. Contemporary Canadian Art, 1992.
Kiss and Tell: Coming out to mom
by Kathleen Oliver. Kinesis, Nov. 1992.