Maigre Dog
1990, 07:50 minutes, English and Patois (available with English subtitles)
My intention in making Maigre Dog was to celebrate the Jamaican women who nurtured me growing up and surrounded me with their vernacular language. I wanted to present the voices of these women I have known for many years and evoke the warmth of countless hours spent in steamy kitchens filled with the smell of food cooked with love. Listening to them "talk that talk" about their lives, their men, their pain I needed to acknowledge the role of oral history and circular thinking has played in my own development. The tape reveals layers of thought, whispers of memories, circles of knowing, which together evoke the complexity of the life process.
L'espace domestique comme toile de fond à l'imaginaire de la tradition orale jamaïquaine. Des parleurse, absentes dans l'image, affirment leur appartenance par des idiotismes riches en sens de leur mémoire culturelle. La quotidienneté est traitée avec douceur par le morcellement de travaux ménagers et d'objets famileaux.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $140.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
Curators and programmers, please contact distribution@vtape.org to receive a login and password to preview Vtape titles online.
Screening and exhibition rentals and archival acquisitions include public performance rights; educational purchases or licenses include rights for classroom screenings and library circulation. When placing an order the customer agrees to our general online terms and conditions. Payment (or a purchase order number) and a signed licensing agreement must be received before media can be shipped to the client.
Critical Writing
by . Toronto: V tape, 2021.
by . Minneapolis: Walker Art Centre, 2000.
by . YYZ Books, McGill University, 1995.
by . Regeneration, 1990. Kingston: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1990.