Compilation Reel: 1. Things I Forget to Tell Myself 1:52/ '88, 2. Getting In 2:47/ '89, 3. We 4:00/ '90, 4. Meet the People 16:42/ '86, 5. The Houses that Are Left (trailer)
1990, 31:03 minutes, colour/B&W, English
Things I Forget To Tell Myself; a specific text is interspersed with fragmented images of New York streetlife in Chinatown, the Bowery and other thoroughfares. "We waste precious time on absurd details and pass by the truth without suspecting it," the expository text states against the background stream of buildings, signs, pedestrians, and other city life.
Getting In combines imagery with a provocative, but unrelated soundtrack that playfully addresses the issues of associative meaning.
We; text, Thomas Bernhard, from the book, "Correction". Two distinct images divide the video in half, each reflecting a constant flow of movement. The conjunction of image and text derived from Thomas Bernhard's Correction suggests simultaneous, separate interpretations.
Meet The People; fourteen people are interviewed about work, love, and happiness. The videotape raises questions concerning what is real and authentic, how individuals perceive themselves, and how people, represented in the media, are sources of information as well as fictional characters.
The Houses That Are Left (part one) combines soap opera, trivia, suspense, fantasy, surveillance, and numerous other TV genres in a sweeping indictment of the way we gain knowledge, interrelate, represent ourselves and are represented to ourselves in the Age of Infotainment." Steve Gallagher, European Media Arts Festival, Osnabruck
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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