I record a friend describing his many scars and, while listening to his stories, began to think about what it would be like to be a scar, to be a permanent part of someone's body and memory. This video uses scar as a simile for both physical and mental inscription. The young man onscreen proudly details his scars in a grotesque and absurd litany; between his stories, a poetic text describes the desire to be remembered and to affect another person permanently as becoming a scar, never to be forgotten... I want to be a scar on your body, to have touched you when it would still leave a mark...
Images of markmaking (splashing, road construction, sewing) weave between and then through images of the story teller. The juxtaposition of texts and images is both disturbing and poignant.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $140.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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Screening and exhibition rentals and archival acquisitions include public performance rights; educational purchases or licenses include rights for classroom screenings and library circulation. When placing an order the customer agrees to our general online terms and conditions. Payment (or a purchase order number) and a signed licensing agreement must be received before media can be shipped to the client.