
Portrait de John Mingolla

1985, 07:00 minutes, colour, French


"When his recent works were to be exhibited at Montréal's galerie Noctuelle in May, 1985, John Mingolla asked me to draw a portrait of his work, the context within which they were produced, and himself in this context. The result is a vision that is jerky like the music, very lively and quite sensitive in relation to the artist. This videotape was broadcast continuously during the whole exhibit in May, 1985, at the galerie Noctuelle and was also featured at the galerie Horace in February, 1986." -M.P.

"A l'occasion de l'expositon de ses oeuvres récentes à la galerie Noctuelle de Montréal, en mai 1985, John Mingolla me demandait de faire un portrait à la fois de ses oeuvres, du contexte dans lequel elles ont été produites et de lui-même." -M.P.
Vision saccadée à l'instar de la musique, haute en couleur et assez sensible face à l'artiste. Cette bande fut diffusée en continuité durant l'expositon en mai 1985, et reprise à Sherbrooke à la galerie Horace, en février 1986.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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