
Among Truth

Young-Chul Sohn

1991, 05:30 minutes, colour


This work was invited to the Art Cultural Campaign for DMZ (which is the cultural message for the Korean art spirits and the environmental problems of DMZ, military issues, the pain of being divided into two countries, the worldly view of the division of Korean Peninsula and the Korean art spirits in general). The performance was about ten minutes. It was also broadcast on Korean Broadcast Service TV. The personality of this work is not the message of that cultural campaign but rather the personal message from the artist, myself appears strongly.
The movement inside the red water box is similar to the mother's womb and is showing the main discourse of this work, the movement being equivalent to the path of sensibility or a time machine which can explore both the past and the future freely.

Rental and Sales

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Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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