
from Stone to Buddha

Young-Chul Sohn

1991, 11:00 minutes, colour


The heart of this work is the nature of the connection that moving things and immovable things have. I try to awake the consciousness of the stone by beating metal instruments. I cry out from my heart to the stone, "Open your eyes, Wake Up!"
The artist invites to audience to the moment between quiescence and motion to the action of awakening the stone, the thread connecting the action with the actual existence of the immovable stone.
There is a wise saying by one of the most respected Korean Monks about finding the fact of reality. 'Mountain is mountain. Water is water.' We can find it in the love between two people who would give their precious lives for their love. The face each other and see the universal mystery in each other and meet with enraptured wind in spring and are able to meet more beautiful views than that. The more sensitive frequency of a rose and the more sensitive transcendental heart of child, when we see the views of the world in them, there will be a creation of poem like "Mountain is mountain. Water is water."

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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