PLUNDER - Manifestos for a new world disorder
2000, 47:00 minutes, colour, English
Animal Movies (Fox Past), Judith Doyle, 11 minutes
The Blob, Jubal Brown, 9 minutes
AK47 - Robert Lee, 9 minutes
Hello Ingmar - Gunilla Josephson, 7 minutes
Accumulation- Istvan Kantor, 10 minutes
For anyone interested in what the future will look like: Plunder delivers an early peek around the corner at the shape of things to come. This high octane quintet is part essay, part rap DJ on speed. When Godard said let the images flow faster than the money, he might have been talking about these five flicks.
Micro-looped, morphed and bleeding, Plunder features five artists-as-thieves, robbing image graves, pillaging with adrenalin charged abandon from the treasures of the analog world, and re-mixing them in Charles Street's digital digs.
Plunder kicks off with Judith Doyle's vid essay on animals in urban settings, dishing up equal doses of Disney and Edweard Muybridge to show how techno-vision has staged beasts within and without. Jubal Brown's The Blob is a rock 'n roll fantasia, joining 50s horror flicks, swamp guitar and rave beats in a juiced up look at the roots of TV. Robert Lee's ak47 (there are 47 shots in this flick, all of them featuring Egoyan dream girl Arsineé Khanjian) is a lounge trek through fandom, and the many lives that might inhabit a face. Gunilla Josephson takes on her father, celebrated prince of despair Ingmar Bergman, by storming through a host of papa's filmwork, in search of herself. Plunder closes shop with Istvan Kantor's in-your-face mega-montaged ode to Totalitaria. Soviet tanks, glowing children and electro-shock victims are overlaid with floating text fragments and an editing style that makes movie trailers look slow.
(notes by Mike Hoolboom, fresh from the Images 2000 Festival)
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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