
the palaver transcription

Gad Hollander

2000, 37:00 minutes, colour/B&W


While the text deals with what Edmond Jabés calls "the impossibility of writing" an attempt to grasp the essence of writing, the pause in speech - the video turns on the impossibility of touching, the distance of desire. The desire to speak and to touch informs the narrative and its successive digressions at every frame and every syllable.

A narrator invokes "a voice in the shape of a window" while conferring that invocation on a third person, "corse" (a corpse). The voice has a shape and the corpse has a voice and the two interlocutors face each other in an undefined space, like analyst and analsand, facets of the same character at different stages of being - alive and dead. The internal monologue of the presumed narrator is externalized in the corpse of a suicide victim, who addresses his own self in the past.

The stories that emerge revolve around the narrator's sensual desires - to touch and to speak. Through this series of anecdotes we glimpse the life of a solitary figure, a writer, whose overwhelming desire - to see through a voice- remains unquenched, and for whom suicide is the window through which he observes that desire.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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