History of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
2001, 45:00 minutes, colour, english
The History of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is based on a series of interviews of long time members of the Coalition as well as footage from other videos that document OCAP's various actions. It is an accurate account about OCAP activities and is valuable in telling OCAP members, other activists as well as any community that might be affected by our Government's cuts to social services or other policies, just what the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty is doing about it.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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