
The Juniper Tree (installation version)

Lyla Rye

2002, 07:00 minutes, Colour


Silhouetted against the evening sky, a woman sits in the wilderness and reads sections from the Grimm's fairy tale "The Juniper Tree". In European folklore it is a symbol of regeneration. The tree is a central character in the tale acting asboth catalyst for and witness to the events of life; including birth, love, longing, and death. The gory tale tells of the best and worst possibilities of mother child relationships. As the light diminishes and the mosquitoes bite, the raw folktale is interwoven with images of a real encounter between a mother and child and the woods surrounding a Juniper Tree.

Companion piece to the outdoor installation Locus, at the Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, On around a Juniper bush.

*This work is available in both an installation version (shown as a video projection onto a large wooden book) and a single channel version.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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