Isuma Inuit Studies Reader
ISUMA, Norman Cohn, Zacharias Kunuk and Gillian Robinson
2007, colour
An anthology of selections from a wide variety of sources including explorer journals, missionary accounts, Inuit oral histories, commentaries, poems, songs and stories with illustrations and photographs.
In the Inuit Studies Reader meet the Inuit - meet hunters, singers, carvers, shamans, whalers, sailors, elders, adventurers, actors, poets, writers, artists, anthropologists, explorers, traders, missionaries and many more people of the Arctic.
Edited by Gillian Robinson.
Read about Inuit history, art and culture. Experience many visual images of rarely seen Inuit drawings and objects. Find much more, including background material to the Atanarjuat The Fast Runner film and its forthcoming sequel.
Isuma Inuit Studies Reader is part of the Isuma Inuit Culture Kit.
Gillian Robinson is a writer and editor who edited Atanarjuat The Fast Runner, the companion book to the film. ∂
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