
Norman Cohn

Norman Cohn was born in New York in 1946 and received a B.A. from Cornell University in 1968. He has been an independent video artist for twenty-five years with exhibitions including MOMA, New York, National Gallery of Canada, Art Gallery of Ontario, Dokumenta 7, Germany, ICA London and others. In 1990 Cohn was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship.

By 1979 Cohn had immigrated to Prince Edward Island and initiated his video portraits of children,
Children in Hospital (1979-1980), including Peter in Long Term Care. In 1980-81 he produced a series of portraits of Canadians entitled How We Lived and in 1983 he released In my end is my beginning, a five part three-hour video study of residents in an old age home in Springdale, Newfoundland. These videos were included in a solo exhibition of sixteen videotapes, Norman Cohn: Portraits, first presented in 1983 by the Art Gallery of Ontario, and then traveling to six other Canadian and American museums. In 1986 Cohn completed Quartet for deafblind, a feature-length experimental collaboration with a nine-year old deaf and blind boy, one of six Canadian works selected for Dokumenta 7 in Kassel, Germany, and recently broadcast by TVOntario. In 1987-88, prior to moving permanently to Igloolik, Cohn was artist-in-residence at First Bank Minneapolis, where he produced Bank, an experimental video "process" work involving seventy videotapes and fifty bank employees.

Short bio:
Born in 1946 in New York, Norman Cohn travelled to Igloolik in 1985 to meet Zacharias Kunuk and Paul Apak after seeing videos they had made while working for the Inuit Broadcasting Corporation. In 1990, assisted by a Guggenheim Fellowship, Cohn moved to Igloolik, where, with Kunuk, Apak and Pauloosie Qulitalik, he co-founded Igloolik Isuma Productions, and helped develop Isuma’s style of “re-lived” cultural drama by adapting the authenticity of video observation to the art of Inuit storytelling. Cohn’s experimental video work began in 1970 in the U.S.; he immigrated to Canada in 1976 and became a Canadian citizen in 1981. In 1983, Cohn’s exhibition of 16 videos, Norman Cohn: Portraits, opened at the Art Gallery of Ontario, the National Gallery of Canada, Vancouver Art Gallery, Musée d’art contemporain de Montreal and 49th Parallel Gallery in New York. In 1987, his experimental non-fiction feature Quartet for Deafblind was shown at Documenta 8.

Artist Code: 116



2015, colour, Inuktitut, French & English subtitles


2012, 30:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English Subtites

Qapirangajuq: Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change (Le savoir inuit et les changes climatiques)

2010, 54:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut, with English or French subtitles


2009, 07:23 minutes, colour, No dialogue


2009, 46:45 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English Subtitles

Issaittuq (Waterproof)

2007, 45:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut


2006, 08:47 minutes, colour, English and Inuktitut

Inuit Piqutingit (What Belongs to Inuit)

2006, 49:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English subtitles

The Journals of Knud Rasmussen

2006, 112:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut, w English subtitles, w/ French subtitles

Kiviaq Versus Canada

2006, 46:49 minutes, colour, English

Qallunajatut (Urban Inuk)

2005, 48:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English, French subtitles

Kunuk Family Reunion

2004, 48:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English, French subtitles

Angakkuiit (Shaman Stories)

2003, 52:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English subtitles

Atanarjuat, The Fast Runner

2001, 161:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut, English subtitles


2001, 52:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English subtitles only

Ajainaa! (Almost!)

2001, 52:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English subtitles

Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear)

2000, 48:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English subtitles

NIPI (Voice)

1999, 51:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English subtitles

Arviq! (Bowhead!)

1998, 52:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English subtitles

Episode 13: Quviasukvik (Happy Day)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 12: Unaaq (Harpoon)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 11: Tuktuliaq (Caribou Hunt)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 10: Qaisut (Polar Bear Island)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 9: Aiviaq (Walrus Hunt)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 8: Avamuktulik (Fish Swimming Back and Forth)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 7: Qulangisi (Seal Pups)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut w English or French subtitles

Episode 6: Auriaq (Stalking)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Episode 5: Angiraq (Home)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Episode 4: Tugaliaq (Ice Blocks)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Episode 3: Qarmaq (Stone House)

1995, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Episode 2: Avaja (Avaja)

1994, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Episode 1: Qimuksik (Dog Team) - Nunavut

1994, 28:50 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Saputi (Fish Traps)

1993, 30:30 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Nunaqpa (Going Inland) (Marcher dans les terres)

1991, 58:15 minutes, colour, Inuktitut with English or French subtitles

Qaggiq (Gathering Place) (Lieu de Rassemblement)

1989, 58:00 minutes, colour, Inuktitut (with English or French subtitles)

Quartet For Deafblind

1986, 80:00 minutes, B&W, English

Snaps (In the End is my Beginning Prt. 5)

1983, 53:00 minutes, colour, English

David Wells (In the End is my Beginning, Part 3)

1983, 36:00 minutes, colour, English

Lucy Brown (In the End is my Beginning Prt. 2)

1983, 38:00 minutes, colour, English

Joseph Verge (In the End is My Beginning Prt.1)

1983, 36:00 minutes, colour, English

Moses Znaimer

1981, 45:00 minutes, colour, English

Hank Bull

1980, 52:00 minutes, colour, English

Andrew James Paterson

1980, 56:00 minutes, colour, English

David MacDonald: Part 3: Election Day

1980, 31:00 minutes, colour, English

David MacDonald: Part 2: The Island Campaign

1980, 60:00 minutes, colour, English

David MacDonald: Part 1: Ottawa

1980, 33:00 minutes, colour,, English

Willis Reid, Harold Pottle, Harbour Pilots

1979, 39:00 minutes, colour, English

William Perry, Woodcutter

1979, 34:00 minutes, colour, English

Michelle on the Day of Surgery

1979, 29:00 minutes, colour, English

Jonathan in Isolation

1979, 29:00 minutes, colour, English

Peter in Long Term Care

1979, 29:00 minutes, colour, English

Critical Writing

Temporal Territories: An Anthology on Indigenous Experimental Cinema
by Sky Hopinka et al. Brooklyn: COUSIN Collective, 2024.
Isuma: Inuit Video Art by Michael Robert Evans, and: The Fast...
by Kristin G. Congdon. Journal of American Folklore, Summer 2013, v. 126.
Toronto festival spotlights an indigenous new wave that's...
by Guy Dixon. The Globe and Mail, June 24, 2012.
Isuma: Inuit Art Video
by Bruno Cornellier. Canadian Journal of Film Studies, Spring 2010, v. 19, no. 1.
Isuma: Inuit Video Art
by Bruno Cornellier. Canadian Journal of Film Studies, Spring 2010, v. 19, no. 1.
Isuma: Inuit Video Art by Michael Robert Evans
by Sandra Tober. Arctic, Mar. 2009, v. 62, no. 1.
Kunuk's silent partner: Norman Cohn grew up in New York. Zacharias...
by Sarah Milroy. The Globe and Mail, Sept. 6, 2006.
Permafrost on the Riviera: Norman Cohn grew up in New York....
by Liam Lacey. The Globe and Mail, May 18, 2001.
From an Inuit point of view: Norman Cohn grew up in New York....
by Blake Gopnik. The Globe and Mail, Sept. 13, 2000.
Canada's first Inuktitut feature-film nears completion: Norman...
by Valerie G. Connell. Nunatsiaq News, Aug. 18, 2000.
Magnetic North
by Jenny Lion. Minneapolis: Walker Art Centre, 2000.
Northern Exposure
by Catherine Elwes. Art Monthly, June 1998, no. 217.
Norman Cohn: Video Artist
by Roger Matuz. Contemporary Canadan Artists, 1997. Toronto: Gale Canada, 1997.
Mirror Machine: Video and Identity
by Janine Marchessault. Toronto: YYZ Books, 1996.
Video award winners make compelling series on Inuit culture
by Nancy Baele. The Ottawa Citizen, May 25, 1994.
The Videos of Norman Cohn: Beyond Seduction
by Karen Henry. Video Guide, Sept. 1989, v. 10, no. 2.
The Videos of Norman Cohn: Beyond Seduction
by Lynne Sowder and Norman Cohn. Bank: Norman Cohn: A Video Portrait Process, 1989. Minneapolis: First Bank System, Division of Visual Arts, 1989.
Hybrid TV: Feature-length video
by Mark O'Neill. Cinema Canada, Dec. 1988, no. 158.
In the Realm of the Senses
by Gwen McGregor. Fuse, Sept. 1988, v. 12, no. 1 & 2.
Norman Cohn
by Kathleen Fleming. Parachute, Dec. Winter 1988, v. 53.
Norman Cohn: Banff Centre, July 19
by Kathleen Fleming. Parachute, Dec. 1988, no. 53.
Hot Art In A Cool Medium: Banff Centre, July 19
by Brian D. Johnson and Mark Budgen. Maclean's, Mar. 3, 1986.
Life like it: some Halifax video
by Earl Miller. Canadian Art, Winter 1986, v. 3, no. 4.
The 1983 Grierson Seminar: Sparks of Illumination
by Christopher Majka. Cinema Canada, 1984, no. 103.
The New Narrative: Video In The 80's
by Marie Morgan. Banff Letters, Winter 1984.
Norman Cohn
by René Blouin. Parachute, Mar. 1984.
Norman Cohn=Conscious Attention
by Peggy Gale. 2nd International Video Demonstration, In Montbelliard, France, 1984.
Norman Cohn: Portraits
by Peggy Gale. Art Gallery of Ontario, Dec. 1984.
Norman Cohn: Portraits: Garry Neill Kennedy, Norman Cohn,...
by Peggy Gale. 49th Parallel, 1984. New York: 49th Parallel, 1984.
Video's Voices: Garry Neill Kennedy, Norman Cohn, Krzysztof Wodiczko
by Peggy Gale. The Second Link - Viewpoints on a Video in the Eighties, 1983. Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1983.
A Question of Place 2
by Jennifer Oille. Vanguard, Nov. 1981, v. 10, no. 9.
VIDEO/VIDEO: If this event was a dry run for PAY-TV, one must view...
by Clive Robertson. Fuse, Nov. 1981, v. 5, no. 8 & 9.
Oppositional Television: Instead of a 'balanced story' these are...
by Lisa Steele. Fuse, Mar. 1981, v. 5, no. 2+3.
222 Warehouse
by Judith Doyle. Parachute, Fall 1980, no. 20.
Art Toronto '80. B. A Space at 222.
by Tom Sherman et al. Toronto: A Space (Artists Space), 1980.