
Work in Progress

Paromita Vohra

2004, 59:00 minutes, English, Hindi, Spanish, Portugese, French


We came into this world to understand certain things:
Very few, but exceedingly important ones.

Andrei Sinyavsky

This film has made its journey from being a document of an event to becoming an impression of a worldwide movement for economic, political and cultural justice and a travelogue of ideas for change.

The World Social Forum began in Brazil in the year 2000 as a space for defining alternatives to globalisation, economic imperialism, war and discrimination. In 2004, it’s fourth year, it came to Bombay and widened its horizons to include issues of gender, indigenous people’s rights, alternative sexuality, women and war, caste and racism. For 5 days people protested and analysed existing economic, political and social injustice; celebrated alternatives and resistance through speeches, processions, music, debate, performance, conversation; and sharpened their imagination of a better world with diversity and justice at its heart, under a common slogan – Another World Is Possible.

This film has been created from video material gathered by student crews to document this 5-day event.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Form Follows Fiction: Art and Artists in Toronto
by Luis Jacob. Toronto: Art Museum, 2020.
The uphill battle for real filmmakers
by Matthew Hays. POV, Spring 2011, no. 81.
When Festival Is 10, Is It Avant-Garde?
by Michael T. Kaufman. The New York Times, Dec. 10, 1973, no. 42324.