Dykes Planning Tykes: Queering the Family Tree
Nancy Nicol and Mary J. Daniel
2011, 60:00 minutes, colour, English
Dykes Planning Tykes: Queering the Family Tree, explores the profoundly transformative impact of a modest community-based course for lesbian/bi/queer women considering parenthood. Since its inception in Toronto, Canada in 1997, the Dykes Planning Tykes course has inspired people across the LGBTQ spectrum to embrace their rightful place in the world of parenting. Touching on key aspects of the history of lesbians and queer women as parents, this hour-long film explores issues, dilemmas and decisions facing queer people wanting to be parents, and celebrates the ways we are queering the family tree!
Dykes Planning Tykes has spawned three other queer and trans family planning courses:
Daddies & Papas 2B
Trans-Masculine People Considering Parenthood
Queer and Trans Family Planning(s)
All four courses are run in Toronto, Canada as a partnership between the LGBTQ Parenting Network, Sherbourne Health Centre and Queer Parenting Programs, The 519 Community Centre.
For more information go to:
or contact: parentingnetwork@sherbourne.on.ca
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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