
I Know What It's Like To Be Dead

Bruce LaBruce

1988, 15:00 minutes, Colour, English


In this experimental short super 8 film from 1998, Bruce LaBruce appears as himself in an expressionistic montage of images, combining footage of himself with footage shot off the television, found footage of a cat operation, etc. The film explores the subject’s fear of illness, AIDS, and death that most men experienced through the eighties and nineties. In this experimental narrative, after LaBruce becomes ill and dies on the operating table, he has a life-after-death experience, including visions of zombie-children, Lucille Ball, and the infamous kiss between Linda Evans and AIDS victim Rock Hudson on Dynasty. Emerging from his dream, LaBruce is reborn, dancing in a celebration of life along with some liberated cows before enacting his final striptease.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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