
Globalisation & MAORI

Tauni Ngatai-Sinclair

1998, 52:00 minutes, colour, English & Maori, with English subtitles


Globalisation & MAORI is a documentary that explores the Globalisation phenomenon and its influence on Maori, the Indigenous People of Aotearoa - New Zealand in the South Pacific. This piece of work effects a vital analysis of critical global trends and issues facing all people.
The participants assert Globalisation will end in irreversible environmental and social devastation. They claim there is a superior alternative.
Edward Goldsmith: International Ecologist based in London. Editor of the Ecologist, The Case Against the Global Economy and Writer of The Way.
Moana Jackson: International Maori lawyer from the Ngati Porou and Ngati Kahungungu tribes.
Dr. Jane Kelsey: Professor of Law Auckland University NZ and Author of the New Zealand Experiment and Reclaiming the Future.
Aroha Meade: Foreign Policy Adviser, from the Ngati Awa and Ngati Porou tribes.
Sir Tipene O'Regan: Fisheries Commission Chair / Consultant and a Tribal Leader of the Ngai Tahu tribe.
Tauni Sinclair: Maori Lawyer from the Ngati Porou tribe.
Moana Sinclair: Maori Lawyer / Journalist / Writer from the Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Toa Rangatira and Rangitane tribes.
Sharon Venne: International Lawyer of the Cree Nation, Canada.
Dr. Huirangi Whaikerepuru: Tribal Elder and Lecturer from the Ngati Ruanui tribe.
"At no other time in our history has humankind known so much, yet understood so little."
"The global economy is the final frontier, there are no more resources to discover and exploit, we are living on all that is left, now!"

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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