
Despite The Sun

Despite TV and Mark Saunders

1987, 52:00 minutes, colour, English


In January 1986, Rupert Murdoch moved his operation, News International publishers of the Sun and the Sunday Times from Fleet Street to Wapping. Over 5000 print workers, clerical staff, cleaners and secretaries were sacked in one day.

Despite The Sun is an investigation into a year long dispute, which shook the print industry. Produced from the point of view of the residents and printworkers the camera records the effects on residents harassed by the police and Murdoch's lorries alike and the 'cavalry' like charges of Police Horses on the picket lines. Vital discussions are raised on the ownership and control of the media, access to it, the organization of work and the impact of the so called "new" technology.

Rental and Sales

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Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Critical Writing

Chapter 6: An Other and Its Other
by Sean Cubitt. Timeshift. On Video Culture, 1991. London, New York: Routledge, Comedia, 1991.