
Very Nervous System



In Very Nervous System, David Rokeby uses video cameras, image processors, computers, synthesizers and a sound system to create a space in which the movements of one's body create sound and/or music. It has been primarily presented as an installation in galleries but has also been installed in public outdoor spaces, and has been used in a number of performances

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Critical Writing

Expanded cinema
by Chris Welsby. Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 2016, v. 5, no. 1&2.
The Emergence of Video Processing Tools: Television Becoming...
by Kathy High et al. Chicago: Intellect Ltd, 2014.
Machines in the garden: Interactive Video Art - Bringing Video To...
by Mary Anne Farah. Parallèlogramme, 1993, v. 18, no. 4.
In Search of Global Perception: The aesthetics of communications
by Derrick de Kerckhove. nexpress, Winter 1988.