
Hey Madonna

Mike Hoolboom

1997, 09:00 minutes, colour, English


The third in a series of correspondences with Madonna. Cast in the form of a letter, including synchronous moments (a doctor's visit, reminiscences about death), it narrates a tale of former lovers, one of whom has become positive. A fairytale of mourning.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Screening and exhibition rentals and archival acquisitions include public performance rights; educational purchases or licenses include rights for classroom screenings and library circulation. When placing an order the customer agrees to our general online terms and conditions. Payment (or a purchase order number) and a signed licensing agreement must be received before media can be shipped to the client.

Critical Writing

Video Primer: A Series of 5 Video Programs
by Michelle Jacques. Video Primer, 2001. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 2001.
reVISION99: A Series of 5 Video Programs
by Nina Czegledy. WRO 99, 1999. Wroclaw: WRO 99, 1999.
Canadian Currents: A Selection of CD-ROMs and Internet Projects
by Nina Czegledy. Toronto: Absolute Choice Curatorial Collective, 1999.