The Original Summit: Journey to the Sacred Uprising
Rebeka Tabobondung and Adrian Kahgee
2002, 43:00 minutes, colour, English
The Original Summit: Journey to the Sacred Uprising is about Indigenous Peoples and Globalization. This resistance, community-driven video documentary digs deep beyond the protest site at the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) Summit in Quebec City in 2001. The video brings you to the ŒOriginal Summit‚ uncovering a legacy of colonialism and a Sacred Uprising‚ that began long before the anti-globalization protests of Seattle.
The Iroquois Creation Story and an Anishnabek prayer weave through exclusive interviews with Native writer and activist Ward Churchill; former Canadian National Chief and current advisor to the National Chief, Ovide Mercredi; respected Elder Dr. Lillian McGregor; and the late visionary and activist Rodney Bobiwash. Journey to the sacred uprising and resist the roots of globalization from an Indigenous, Turtle Island perspective. A perspective that is rarely shared but is vital to progressive movements in North America and beyond. The Original Summit is a colourful bare bones project which invites the viewer to fathom new world order from an Indigenous perspective.
Co-produced, directed, and edited by Anishnabekwe emerging video/filmmakers Rebeka Tabobondung, Wasauksing First Nation and Adrian Kahgee, Saugeen First Nation. With music was produced by The Red Spirit Singers, The Kanenhi:io Singers and Tony Neale, the video also includes artwork and stock footage from Native Toronto artist Maria Hupfield and Travis Shilling from Rama. The Original Summit received extensive support from First Nations House at the University of Toronto as well as from the Toronto History Project based out of the Native Canadian Centre. The Original Summit was produced by the new, small Toronto based Aboriginal owned production company: Maaiingan Productions.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $240.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote | |
Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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