City Shelter; Walk to the Sea; See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
2003, 12:50 minutes
1. City Shelter 2003
Limbus Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel; Length: 8:20 minutes; November 2002
The artist spent 5 days and nights in a bomb shelter, situated in a neighborhood park in Tel Aviv, vacated in preparation for the impending Iraqi war (In regular times, the shelter serves as an artists’ exhibition space.) The space became both a work retreat, and a place to explore the border zone between ‘normal life’ and ‘emergency life’.
(Material remnants of the living quarters and of the temporary works created during the 'residency', photographs and videos of the activities comprised the installation exhibited in the space upon the conclusion of the work.)
2. Walk to the Sea 2003
Tel Aviv, Israel; Length: 3:10 minutes; Performed: September 2002; Camera: Dana Levy
The artist makes her way slowly from Rabin Plaza in front of the Tel Aviv City Hall (renamed after his murder there in 1996), towards the sea, dragging a heavy chain of sabras -the local cactus plants - a plant loaded with symbolism for both parties to the conflict here; she enters the water and the chain of cacti float away into the sea.
The work was performed for the “Day of Simultaneous Actions”, as part of FIX02 Catalyst Arts Performance Festival, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
It was first screened at the Center for Interdisciplinary Arts, in Jerusalem, Israel, November 2003
3. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil 2003
Old Central Prison, Jerusalem, Israel; Length: 1:20 minutes; December 2002
The work takes place in one of the cells of a 19ty century building- originally a hostel for Russian Christian women pilgrims, during the British mandate period used as a prison, and now a museum of the Jewish Underground Movement of the time.
The artist sits in a cell, dressed in white, within a circle of bougainvillea petals. Her eyes ears and mouth are stopped up with the petals. The strains of medieval mystic choral music accompany her, interrupted intermittently by harsh electronic sounds.
In an accompanying text at the event, the artist muses-
Is there room to turn to an inner world of spirit and beauty in face of the chaos outside? Is this a willful refusal to become involved in the messiness of the real and unholy world, to guard against its encroachment?
The work was presented as part of the multimedia event, HEARA 4 that took place in this historic building in the 'Russian Compound' in downtown Jerusalem.
Rental and Sales
Single Screening Rental | $140.00 |
Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15) | $260.00 |
5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy | $550.00 |
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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote |
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