
Spreading the Space Thinly

Missing Associates, Lily Eng and Peter Dudar

1976, 15:01 minutes, Colour, No language

TAPECODE 1068.08

Lily Eng improvises within a taped-off area. She begins by sitting down and turning her hips from side-to-side, progressing into full 360 degree movements. She rolls her shoulders, attempting to delineate the boundaries of the taped-off space and reach into the four corners. Next, she stands and again delineates the perimeter of the space with with side-to-side and reaching movements. The energetic work is then deliberately slowed down and the performer walks backwards within the limited space while tracing her fingers back-and-forth along the tape.
Eng intuitively ends the work, perhaps when exhaustion hits, or when it there is no more she wants to do within the defined limitations of the space

Re-mastered in 2014

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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