
Jean-Paul Kelly

Jean-Paul Kelly is a Toronto-based artist born in London, Canada (1977). He creates videos, drawings and photographs that are often displayed together. His work has exhibited at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (Toronto, 2011 and 2013), Vox Populi (Philadelphia, 2013), Scrap Metal Gallery (Images Festival, Toronto, 2013), Mercer Union Centre for Contemporary Art (Toronto, 2010), Cambridge Galleries (2009), Gallery TPW (Toronto, 2005 and 2008) and Tokyo Wonder Site (2006). Kelly was the recipient of the Film Society of Lincoln Centre's Kazuko Trust Award at the 2014 New York Film Festival, and was a guest artist at the 2013 Flaherty International Film Seminar. Other screenings include Views from the Avant-Garde, New York Film Festival (2013), European Media Arts Festival (Osnabrück, 2013), International Festival of Films on Art (Montreal, 2013), International Film Festival Rotterdam (2013), Toronto International Film Festival (2012), Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (2012), Migrating Forms (New York, 2010), Arsenal–Institute for Film and Video Art (Berlin, 2009), Rencontres Internationales (Paris, 2004 and 2006) and Pleasure Dome (Toronto, 2003). From 2009 to 2012, Kelly was Programming Director and Curator of Trinity Square Video (Toronto). He holds a Master of Visual Studies from the University of Toronto (2005).

Artist Code: 774


The Innocents

2014, 12:50 minutes, Colour, English

Service of the goods

2013, 29:10 minutes, Colour, English subtitles

Movement in Squares

2013, 12:43 minutes, Colour, English


2013, 04:46 minutes, Colour, No language

A Minimal Difference

2012, 05:10 minutes, colour

(Glissement) The Sense of an Ending

2010, 04:23 minutes, colour

Good by Good Acts, Acts I-V

2008, 30:00 minutes, colour

Critical Writing

Curatorial Incubator v. 16: Living in Hope
by Lisa Steele. Toronto: Vtape, 2021.
NYFF Projections Filmmaker Jean-Paul Kelly on 'The Innocents' and...
by Brian Brooks. Film Society Lincoln Center, 2014.
Images Festival
by Cotter Sam. C Magazine, Fall 2013, no. 119.
The (fetishistic) cut
by Jean-Paul Kelly. "(Mary, Mary) Are these the hands that cut?", 2006. Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2006.