John Morgan
John Morgan is a Saskatoon experimental video maker. Beginning in '90, he has made six tapes; also he has written a number of articles (reviews) beginning with Video Guide (defunct) but mostly for the Newest Review magazine. A founding member of Video Verité, he continues to love the place and is about to start post-production on a new tape which is more narrative and less overtly structurist.
Artist Code: 164
1995, 04:21 minutes, colour, English
1994, 11:45 minutes, colour, English
1992, 16:33 minutes, colour, English
Footnotes & Moon Under the Summer
1991, 08:45 minutes, colour, English
Critical Writing
SASKATOON VIDEO CULTURE: (it ain't painting and drawing)
by . NeWest Review, Apr. 1993, v. 18, no. 2.
by . NeWest Review, Apr. 1993, v. 18, no. 2.
Video as Diary: Recent Works. Program Guide.
by . Saskatoon: AKA Artist Run Centre, 1988.
by . Saskatoon: AKA Artist Run Centre, 1988.