
John Morgan

John Morgan is a Saskatoon experimental video maker. Beginning in '90, he has made six tapes; also he has written a number of articles (reviews) beginning with Video Guide (defunct) but mostly for the Newest Review magazine. A founding member of Video Verité, he continues to love the place and is about to start post-production on a new tape which is more narrative and less overtly structurist.

Artist Code: 164


Sunken Kingdom

1995, 04:21 minutes, colour, English

My Trip to Jasper

1994, 11:45 minutes, colour, English

Moon Under the Summer

1992, 16:33 minutes, colour, English

Footnotes & Moon Under the Summer

1991, 08:45 minutes, colour, English

Critical Writing

Transcendental Video
by Bev Pike. Poolside, 2005, v. 2004.
Video Art: Selected, New & Reviewing
by John Morgan. NeWest Review, June 1995, v. 20, no. 5.
SASKATOON VIDEO CULTURE: (it ain't painting and drawing)
by John Morgan. NeWest Review, Apr. 1993, v. 18, no. 2.
1989 Plains Film and Video Conference
by John Morgan. Video Guide, Nov. 1990, v. 10, no. 5.
Video as Diary: Recent Works. Program Guide.
by John Morgan. Saskatoon: AKA Artist Run Centre, 1988.