
Stashu Kybartas

Stashu Kybartas received a MFA in video from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University. To support himself, Stashu has worked as a teacher, freelance photographer, sound engineer and a deck hand on river boats. His tape DANNY won first prize in the Visions of U.S. Home Video Competition at the American Film Institute and has been screened extensively in exhibitions on AIDS including the Whitney Museum's "AIDS Media: Counter-Representsations". Kybartas says, "I have chosen to work in video and performance because these are storytelling media. I want to tell my stories and the stories of othersbecause I believe that through telling one's story, one can be healed."

Born 1954.

Artist Code: 274


3 Cars

1988, 11:00 minutes, colour, English


1987, 20:00 minutes, colour, English

Critical Writing

Documents and Counter-Documents: AIDS Activist Video at the Crossroads
by Cynthia Chris. Afterimage, Nov. 1994, v. 22, no. 4.
Documents and Counter-Documents: AIDS Activist Video at the Crossroads
The Fourteenth Chicago Lesbian and Gay Interntational Film Festival, 1994. Chicago: Chicago Filmmakers, 1994.
AIDS Media: Counter-Representations
by Lucinda Furlong. New American Film and Video Series, 1989. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1989.
Document & Dream
by Dan Walworth.
Home video winners
by Jefferson Graham. USA Today, May 2, 1988.
by John Greyson. The Independent, Mar. 1988, v. 11, no. 2.
AIDS Media: Counter-Representations
by Lucinda Furlong. The New American Film and Video Series - Whitney Museum of American Art, Jan..