

Istvan Kantor

1993, 08:40 minutes, colour, English & French


An episode from the life of FUCKFACE, the enigmatic artist-star from the near future, Sleep deals with art history, stardom, and everyday life with irony and wit. Sleep can be described as a short, "recycled version" of Andy Warhol's well known film of the same title and at the same time, it can be interpreted as a pseudo-critical statement of the Warholian mythology and the related contemporary art world. Through the simple means of computer graphics Sleep explores the forms of mediatic diary and hypermedia video.

Sleep raconte un épisode de la vie de "Fuckface", l'énigmatique artiste-vedette d'un futur proche, et se moque doucement de l'histoire de l'art, de la vie quotidienne des artistes et du milieu artistique. Version recyclée du film du même nom d'Andy Warhol, Sleep peut être interprété comme une pseudo-critique du mythe "warholien" et de l'univers de l'art contemporain qui s'y rattache.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Screening and exhibition rentals and archival acquisitions include public performance rights; educational purchases or licenses include rights for classroom screenings and library circulation. When placing an order the customer agrees to our general online terms and conditions. Payment (or a purchase order number) and a signed licensing agreement must be received before media can be shipped to the client.

Critical Writing

The re-emergence of the film/video loop
by Ronald Green. Millenium Film Journal, Spring 2012, v. 55.
After the artefact: Post-digital photography in our post-media era
by Greg Shapley. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 2011, v. 10, no. 1.
Cinematic Folds: the furling and unfurling of images
by Firoza Elavia. Toronto: Pleasure Dome, 2008.
Transcendental Video
by Bev Pike. Poolside, 2005, v. 2004.
For Real: Telling the Truth in Art & Writing
by A.S.A. Harrison. C Magazine, Winter 2002, no. 76.
For Real: Telling the Truth in Art and Writing
by A.S.A Harrison. C Magazine, Winter 2002, no. 76.
Telling Tales: The Irresistible Excavation of the Other
by Catherine Elwes. Filmwaves, Summer 2000, no. 12.
Steve Reinke
by Lisa Gabrielle Mark. Poliester, 1997, v. 6, no. 19.
The Long and Short of It: Some Thoughts on Film Length
by Scott Macdonald. Afterimage, Mar. 1981, v. 8, no. 8.