Julie Zando
Julie Zando is a videomaker living in Buffalo New York. She is the former Director of Squeaky Wheel film and Video Coalition and editor the The Squealer. She has also taught at the Universtiy of California at San Diego. Zando's work has been featured at the Museum of Modern Art "Video Viewpoints Series", the 1988 AFI Video Festival and at the 1988 Manifestation Internationale Video Festival de Montbeliard. Zando exploits the raw and edgy properties of video 8 with potent results while investigating the intermingling issues of power relations, sexual identity and desire.
Artist Code: 022
1999, 20:00 minutes, B&W, English
1994, 38:00 minutes, colour, English
1990, 27:00 minutes, B&W, English
1988, 04:30 minutes, colour, English
1988, 22:00 minutes, B&W, English
1987, 10:36 minutes, colour, English
1987, 02:26 minutes, B&W/colour, English
Critical Writing
by . Matriart, Summer 1990, v. 1, no. 2.
Toronto: A Space (Artists Space), 1990.
by . Video Networks, 1989, v. 13, no. 314.
by . The Museum of Modern Art Department of Film, 1989.
by .
by .