Kathy High
Kathy High is Head and Associate Professor of Video and new Media at the Department of the Arts at Rensselaer Polyechnic Institute in Troy, NY. She teaches digital video production, history and theory and has been working in the area of documentary and experimental film, video and photography for over twenty years. She produces videos and installations posing queer and feminist inquiries into areas of medicine/bio-science, science fiction, and animal/interspecies collaborations. She has also recently started the BioArts Initiative at Rensselaer, a collaboration between the Arts Department and the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies.
Artist Code: 424
2001, 59:00 minutes, colour, English
1999, 09:00 minutes, colour, English
1999, 27:30 minutes, colour, English
1995, 20:00 minutes, colour, English
High Tech Baby Making: North & South
1994, 28:00 minutes, colour/ B&W, English
Underexposed: The Temple of the Fetus
1993, 61:00 minutes, colour/ B&W, English
1991, 07:20 minutes, English
1990, 14:40 minutes, English
Just Say Yes: Kathy High Looks at Marketing Legal Drugs
1989, 30:00 minutes, English
1989, 28:20 minutes, colour, English
Critical Writing
by et al. Chicago: Intellect Ltd, 2014.
by et al. Chicago: Intellect Ltd, 2014.
by and . RISK/RIESGO, 2003. New York city: The Standby Program, Inc, 2003.
by . Video Networks, Apr. 1994, v. 18, no. 2.
by . Afterimage, Summer 1993, v. 21, no. 1.
by . Afterimage, May 1993, v. 20, no. 10.