
The Way To My Father's Village

Richard Fung

1988, 38:00 minutes, colour, English


I was born and grew up in Trinidad, on the other side of the world from China. In the fall of 1986 I finally went to my father's village in southern Guangdong. This experimental documentary examines the way that children of immigrants relate to the land of their parents. It is about the construction of history and memory, the experience of colonialism, and about Westerners looking at China. It is the first tape of a two-part series.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

Practical Dreamers: Conversations with Movie Artists
by Mike Hoolboom. Coach House Books, 2008.
Then + Then Again: Talking with Clive Robertson about artist-run...
by Vera Frenkel. Fuse, July 2007, v. 30, no. 3.
Toronto Video: Challenging forms, channelling change: Talking with...
by Marc Glassman. The State of The Arts: Living with Culture in Toronto, 2006. Toronto: Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in publication, 2006.
Remaking Home Movies
by Richard Fung. Subclip, Winter 2001, no. 7.
Total recall: History, memory & new documentary
by Sara Diamond and Gary Kibbins. Trade Initiative, 1998. Vancouver: Satellite Video Exchange Society, 1998.
The Heart of a Difficult Place: The Way to My Father's Village
by Cameron Bailey. Fuse, July 1998, v. 21, no. 3.
Good Clean Fung: Retrospective des oeuvres video de RICHARD FUNG
GOOD, CLEAN FUNG: Retrospective des oeuvres video de RICHARD FUNG, 1997. Montreal: OBORO, 1997.
Fearless Fung taps race complexities
by Cameron Bailey. Now, May 24, 1990, v. 9, no. 37.
Babulal Bhuiya an elegant and searing testimony
by John Harkness and Cameron Bailey. NOW, June 1, 1989, v. 8, no. 38.
Video Exhibition: Total Recall
by Sarah Diamond and Gary Kibbins.