
Delicate Issue

Kate Craig

1979, 12:30 minutes, colour, English


This tape is an exploration by the artist of her relationship to the media and the audience.

Rental and Sales

Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


Single Screening Rental


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Critical Writing

Shifts and Transfers: On some tendencies in Canadian video
by Nicole Gingras. Shifts and Transfers. On some tendencies in Canadian video, Mar. 28, 2003. Ottawa: Ottawa Art Gallery, 2003.
Watch Me! Webcams and the Public Exposure of Private Lives
by Brooke Knight. Art Journal, Winter 2000, v. 59, no. 4.
Magnetic North
by Jenny Lion. Minneapolis: Walker Art Centre, 2000.
A Study of Surfaces: A Review
by Josephine Mills. BlackFlash, Summer 1998, v. 16.1.
Mirror Machine: Video and Identity
by Janine Marchessault. Toronto: YYZ Books, 1996.
Mirror Machine: Video and Identity
by Janine Marchessault. YYZ Books, McGill University, 1995.
Perspectives Of the Body In Canadian Video Art
by Dot Tuer. C Magazine, Winter 1993, no. 36.
Video Technology and the Feminine
by Nell Tenhaaf. Parallelogramme, 1992, v. 18, no. 3.
À la découverte des Amériques
by Daniel Carrière. Le Devoir, Aug. 29, 1992.
5 Feminist Videotapes: Redefining the Female Subject
by Shonagh Adelman. C Magazine, Winter 1991, no. 28.
Hot Tramp, I Love You So!: Rebel Girls: A Survey of Canadian...
by Christine Conley. Fuse, Fall 1989, v. 13, no. 1 & 2.
"We Interrupt You For This Message": Rebel Girls: A Survey of...
by Mary Ellen Lower. Video Guide, Sept. 1986, v. 8, no. 3.
Everyday Events
by Karen Knights. Video Guide, 1986, v. 8, no. 1.
We Interrupt You For This Message: A review of "A Retrospective of...
by Mary Ellen Lower. Video Guide, Sept. 1986, v. 8, no. 38.
Video Works: Western Front Video
by Karen Knights. Video Guide, 1985, v. 8, no. 1.
The Use of the Self to Structure Narrative
by Peggy Gale. Musee d'Art Contemporain, 1984.
VIDEO/VIDEO: If this event was a dry run for PAY-TV, one must view...
by Clive Robertson. Fuse, Nov. 1981, v. 5, no. 8 & 9.
Delicate Issue: If this event was a dry run for PAY-TV, one must...
by Margaret Dragu. Fuse, Jan. 1980, v. 4, no. 2.
The Nine Tape Test: New Videos at Pumps, Vancouver
by Kim Todd. Centerfold, Aug. 1979, v. 3, no. 6.
by Margaret Dragu. Video Guide, 1979, v. 2, no. 4.
Review: Kate Craig's Delicate Issue
by Margaret Dragu. Video Guide, 1979, v. 2, no. 4 & 5.