
Isaac Julien

Isaac Julien was born in 1960. He studied film at St. Martin's School of Art (1989-84) and later became a member of Sankofa Film Collective. Films are: Who Killed Colin Roach (83), Territories (84), This is Not an AIDS Advertisement (87), Hats Videos *88), Looking for Langston (89), Young Soul Rebels (91), Black & White in Colour (92), The Attendant (92), Darker Side of Black (94)

Artist Code: 075


The Darker Side of Black

1994, 59:09 minutes, colour, English

Critical Writing

Toronto Living with Aids
by Ryan Conrad. Toronto: Public Books, 2024.
Calling on Queer Asians
by Liz Kim. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and The Americas, May 2023, v. 9, no. 1 - 2. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves
by Mark Rappolt. ArtsReview, Oct. 2010, no. 44.
Isaac Julien: Ten Thousand Waves
by Keiko Okamura. Flash Art, Oct. 2010.
Riffing on Omeros: The Relevance of Isaac Julien to Cultural...
by Jane Bryce. Small Axe, June 2010, v. 14, no. 2.
Toward a Feminist "Coney Island of the Avant-Garde"
by Melinda Barlow. Afterimage, Jan. 2007, v. 34, no. 4.
Now Waving but Drowning
by Richard Cork. New Statesman, Oct 6, 2003.
Isaac Julien's Children: Black Queer Cinema
by Rinaldo Walcott. Fuse, July 2002, v. 24, no. 2.
After 1980: Margins and Mainstreams
by Julianne Pidduck. Now You See It, 2002. London: Routledge, 2002.
The Long Road: Isaac Julien in Conversation with B. Ruby Rich
by B. Ruby Rich and Isaac Julien. Art Journal, Summer 2002, v. 61, no. 2.
Straight women, gay porn, and the scene of erotic looking: Isaac...
by Laura U. Marks. Jump Cut, Mar. 1996, no. 40.
Interview with Isaac Julien
by Bruce Morrow. Fuse, Summer 1995, v. 18, no. 5.
Strange Fruit Sends Gay Festival Reeling
by Cameron Bailey. NOW, May 18, 1995, v. 14, no. 38.
Mix: The 7th New York Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film and Video...
by Robert F. Reid-Pharr. Fuse, Winter 1993, v. 17, no. 2.
new queer cinema
by Susan Corrigan. i-D, Jan. 1993, no. 112.
Dark and Lovely too: Black gay men in Independent Cinema
by Kobena Mercer. cineACTION, Fall 1993, no. 32.
Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
by Martha Gever et al. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1993.
Black Gay Men in Independent Film
by Kobena Mercer. cineACTION, Fall 1993, no. 32.
Confessions of a Snow Queen: Director's Notes on the Making of The...
by Isaac Julien. cineACTION, Fall 1993, no. 32.
Festival of Festivals, Toronto: Films About Interracial Relationships
by Richard Fung. Fuse, Winter 1992, v. 15, no. 3.
We Are All Living With AIDS
by Catherine Saalfield.
Fourth New York Lesbian and Gay Experimental Film Festival
by Susan Kealey. Fuse, Winter 1991, v. 14, no. 3.
Culture Jocks: Race to the Screen in review
by Larissa Lai. Fuse, Fall 1991, v. 15, no. 1-2.
Identity and Consciousness:: (Re)Presenting the Self
by Sheila Petty. Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991. Regina, SK: Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991.
Chapter 6: An Other and Its Other
by Sean Cubitt. Timeshift. On Video Culture, 1991. London, New York: Routledge, Comedia, 1991.
4th New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film Festival: Focus on...
by Jody A. Benjamin. Fuse, Jan. Winter 1991, v. 14, no. 3.
Speaking of Colour: Image and Nation: Festival of Gay & Lesbian...
by Molly Shinhat. Fuse, Spring 1990, v. 13, no. 4.
Black History and Desire: Looking for Langston
by Molly Shinhat. Fuse, June 1990, v. 13, no. 5.
The Arts: Don't worry, honey. They're just experimenting
by Jewelle Gomez. OutWeek, Sept. 19, 1990, no. 64.
Video at the Crossroads: A review of the 1988 AFI Festival
by Margaret Morse. Video Networks, 1989, v. 13, no. 314.
Video at the Crossroads: A review of the 1988 AFI Festival
Celebration of Black Cinema V, 1989. Boston: Celebration of Black Cinema Inc., 1989.
Recasting images of AIDS to counter media distortions
by Cameron Bailey. Now, Oct. 20, 1988, v. 8, no. 7.
Dreams, Memories, Realities: Recent Black Video and Television...
by Karen Alexander and Ben Gibson. 1988 American Film Institute Video Festival, 1988.
eyes on Black Britain: an Interview with Isaac Julien
by Richard Fung. Fuse, Winter 1987, v. 11, no. 4.
eyes on Black Britain: an Interview with Isaac Julien
by Jane Wright and Jeremy Walsh. British/Canadian Video Exchange '84, 1984. Toronto: A Space, 1984.
The Making of 'Who Killed Colin Roach': Experiences
by Isaac Julien. Independent Video, Nov. 1983, no. 23 & 24.