
Midi Onodera

Midi Onodera is a recipient of the 2018 Governor General’s Award for Visual and Media Arts. She is a moving image artist who has been making work for 35+ years. She has produced over 25 independent shorts ranging from film to digital video to “low end” toy camera formats. In addition to this she created a theatrical feature film, Skin Deep (1995), and 500+ online videos. Since 2006 she has produced an annual online video project which can be viewed at She currently teaches video at UTSC in the Department of Arts, Culture & Media.

Artist Code: 688



2017, 02:56 minutes, Colour, English

down the drain

2017, 01:26 minutes, Colour, English

the coyotes must see the moon...

2017, 01:38 minutes, Colour, English

Nobody Knows

2001, 03:15 minutes, colour, English


2001, 03:20 minutes, colour, English w/ Braille subtitles

Alpha Girls

2001, 45:00 minutes, colour, English

Critical Writing

Beyond the Narrative: Asynchronicity and Fragmentation in Canadian...
by Axelle Demus and Chloë Brushwood Rose. Beyond the Narrative: Preserving and Mobilizing Canadian LGBT2Q+ Films from 1970 - 2000 in the CFMDC Collection, 2024. Archive/Counter-Archive, 2024.
Beyond the Narrative: Experimental Approaches to Lesbian "Sex...
by Axelle Demus and Chloë Brushwood Rose. Beyond the Narrative: Preserving and Mobilizing Canadian LGBT2Q+ Films from 1970 - 2000 in the CFMDC Collection, 2024. Archive/Counter-Archive, 2024.
Beyond the Narrative: Identity in Crisis in Midi Onodera's Short Films
by Axelle Demus and Chloë Brushwood Rose. Beyond the Narrative: Preserving and Mobilizing Canadian LGBT2Q+ Films from 1970 - 2000 in the CFMDC Collection, 2024. Archive/Counter-Archive, 2024.
Super Queeroes
by Peter Knegt et al. CBC ARTS, 2019.
Practical Dreamers: Conversations with Movie Artists
by Mike Hoolboom. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2008.
Reel Asian: Asian Canada on Screen
by Elaine Chang. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2007.
The Romance of Transgression in Canada: Queering Sexualities,...
by Thomas Waugh. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2006.
Pleasure Dome Brochure: Winter 2006
by Unknown. Pleasure Dome, Winter 2006.
Flowing in groups of four: show at Ed Video: Winter 2006
by Unknown. Guelph Mercury, Nov. 21, 2002.
Top 20 Toronto Films since 1981
by Cameron Bailey. Now, Oct. 25, 2001, v. 21, no. 8.
Where we hope to be: Framing cultural heritage & sexual politics
by Shane Smith. Xtra!, Nov. 15 Fall, 2001, no. 445.
In the spotlight and ready for... action: Local lesbian filmmakers...
by Lynna Landstreet. Xtra!, July 22, 1994, no. 254.
Queer Looks: Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
by Martha Gever et al. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1993.
The Colours of Culture: Film and Video by Artists of Colour
by Zainub Verjee. Parallèlogramme, 1992, v. 17, no. 4.
The Colours of Culture: Film and Video by Artists of Colour
Can-Asian Perspectives: A Film and Video Series Exploring Asian Experiences in Canada, 1992. London: The Canadian High Commission and Bazaar Magazine/South Asian Arts Forum, 1992.
Remodeling Asian Media
by Lloyd Wong. Afterimage, May 1991, v. 18, no. 10.
Yellow Peril: Reconsidered
by Stephen Lee. Fuse, Fall 1991, v. 15, no. 1/2.
Culture Jocks: Race to the Screen in review
by Larissa Lai. Fuse, Fall 1991, v. 15, no. 1-2.
Identity and Consciousness:: (Re)Presenting the Self
by Sheila Petty. Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991. Regina, SK: Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991.
Exhibition Program
by Sheila Petty. Identity and Consciousness: (Re)Presenting the Self, 1991. Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery, 1991.
Connecting Voices: An Interview with Richard Fung: Point of View
by James Macswain. The Independent Eye, Winter 1991, v. 12, no. 2.
Visible Difference
by Shani Mootoo et al. Fuse, Spring 1990, v. 13, no. 4.
Speaking of Colour: Image and Nation: Festival of Gay & Lesbian...
by Molly Shinhat. Fuse, Spring 1990, v. 13, no. 4.
Images '89
by Donna Lypchuk. Cinema Canada, Sept. 1989.
Images 89: New festival celebrates Canada's film and video...
by Helen Lee. Now, May 4, 1989, v. 8, no. 34.
Territories of the Forbidden: Lesbian Culture, Sex & Censorship;...
by Marusia Bociurkiw. Fuse, Apr. 1988, v. 11, no. 49.
Grierson '86: Lesbian Culture, Sex & Censorship; An overview of...
by Magnus Isacsson. Cinema Canada, Jan. 1987, no. 137.