
Jubal Brown

Jubal Brown is a video maker, multi-media artist, organizer, and writer and based in Toronto. His work has been exhibited in England, Scotland, Holland, France, Belgium, Africa, Hungary, the U.S. and Hamilton Ontario. His organizational involvements include: co-founding the Jawa collective, pioneers of the sex and death machine gun editing style; co-founding the PO-PO seditionary action team responsible for Toronto's legendary WASTELAND event series; co-founding the ART SYSTEM Cultural Center in Toronto, 2000-2003 where he also served as Director; co-founding the multimedia label FAMEFAME notorious for producing, programming and promoting experimental, cutting edge audio / visual culture, 2002-2007. His projects include the relational aesthetics instances UNKNOWN UNKNOWN and The Land of the Lost. His work has been exhibited at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Art Mur, and the Horse Hospital.

Artist Code: 591


Party Tape #52

2006, 06:00 minutes, colour, English

the 6th Day

2004, 09:25 minutes, colour, English

The Greatest Story Ever Told

2002, 02:40 minutes, colour, English

The Horror

2002, 02:50 minutes, colour, English

Deathday Suit

2002, 08:41 minutes, colour, English


2001, 03:00 minutes, colour


2001, 03:00 minutes, colour, n/a

Children of the Grave

2000, 03:00 minutes, colour, english


2000, 02:00 minutes, colour, english

The Blob

2000, 09:40 minutes, colour, English

Teletubbies Rising

1999, 02:15 minutes, colour, English

Still Walking

1999, 03:00 minutes, colour, English

Dead Museum

1999, 10:00 minutes, colour

Little Girls

1999, 02:30 minutes, colour

Anal Jupiter

1999, 02:10 minutes, colour

In My Room

1999, 03:07 minutes, colour

The End (Millennium Project)

1999, 03:00 minutes, colour


1999, 10:00 minutes, colour

Musick of the Spheres

1998, 03:00 minutes, colour

Riot 98

1998, 03:00 minutes, colour /B&W

Ad Death

1997, 01:00 minutes

Fuck The Black Hole

1997, 06:01 minutes, colour

Fuck Jawa

1997, 01:00 minutes, colour /B&W

High Priced Spread

1997, 00:39 minutes, colour /B&W

The Star Wars

1997, 01:00 minutes, colour

O Huge Vault of Vaseline

1997, 05:18 minutes

Critical Writing

Jubal Brown
by Nadja Sayej. ArtUS, 2009, no. 26.
Bad-Boy Artist Still Spewing Anger: Infamous Local artist Jubal...
by Peter Goddard. The Toronto Star, Sept. 18, 2008.
Jubal Brown: Shock and Blah
Canadian Art, Oct. 16, 2008.
Practical Dreamers: Conversations with Movie Artists
by Mike Hoolboom. Toronto: Coach House Books, 2008.
Toronto Video: Challenging forms, channelling change
by Marc Glassman. The State of The Arts: Living with Culture in Toronto, 2006. Toronto: Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in publication, 2006.
Video Art, A Guided Tour by Catherine Elwes (Books)
by Tom Sherman. Border Crossings, Aug. 2005, v. 24, no. 3.
Foreword: VS Program
by Jon Davies. VS (Event Program), Dec. 2004.
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: (Vs. Program)
by Scott SØrli. VS (Event Program), Dec. 2004.
Videos Ante up the Fear Factor: This year's video-art feast marks...
by Catherine Osborne. The National Post, Apr. 10, 2004.
VS: 640 480 - original programme
by Jon Davies et al. VS, Dec. 2004.
Jubal Brown: Mr. Misunderstood: Toronto's Art-Scene Outlaw Is in...
by R.M. Vaughan. Canadian Art, Fall 2003, v. 20, no. 3.
by Daniel Cockburn. Pleasure Dome presents Apotheoses of Everything, 2003.
The Saint(s) and the Cynic
by Chris Kennedy. Pleasure Dome presents Apotheoses of Everything, 2003.
The wwworst ever
by Linda Feesey. Pleasure Dome presents Apotheoses of Everything, 2003.
Jubal Brown: Mr. Misunderstood
by R. M. Vaughan. Pleasure Dome presents Apotheoses of Everything, 2003.
Fringe Experientiality
by James Missen. Public, 2002, v. 25.
Video Primer: A Series of 5 Video Programs
by Michelle Jacques. Video Primer, 2001. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), 2001.
Interrupting the program...: descrambling TV through video
by Heidi May. Canadian Art, Summer 2001, v. 18, no. 2.
Moving Pictures: UK/Canada Video
by Catherine Elwes. Border Crossings, Aug. 2000, v. 19, no. 3.
Attack [retreat]
by Steve Reinke. Attack [retreat], 2000. Brussels: argos, 2000.
by Steve Reinke. Brussels: Argos Arts, 2000.
Tranz<->Tech 1999 Catalogue
Toronto: Vtape, 1999.
Art terrorists mock the vote
by Nate Hendley. EYE WEEKLY, June 10, 1999.
Hot New Stuff on Video from All Over the World
by Cameron Bailey. NOW, Oct. 21, 1999, v. 19, no. 8.
Performance art fights bad rap
by Glenn Sumi. Now, Aug. 20, 1998, v. 17, no. 51.
Arts & Leisure: No Faeries at the AGO
by Jubal Brown. The Globe and Mail, Sept. 7, 1998.
Our Collective Fears
by Sherri Telenko. id Magazine, Fall 1998.
From Chaos to Creation: Ed Video Screening twelve works at the...
by Michelle Elle Pettis. The Ontario Magazine for Artists, Dec. Winter 1998.
Our Collective Fears
by Sherri Telenko. i-D, Nov. 26 Winter, 1998.